Thursday, June 18, 2009

PDA Age Dilemmas!

I dont want to come off as a prude but seriously within a distance of approximately 1.5km i spotted 3 different couples smooching yesterday. Correct me if im wrong, I understand Public Displays of Affection(PDA's) are a personal matter but the fact that these CHILDREN yes I dare say children around the age of 14 (if they are still charged as a child when they go to the movies, I still consider them children in my books as the concession speaks for itself!) parading around my small subrurb caressing eachother is not socially ethical. Mind you when I say kissing I dont mean the sweet subtle kiss, OH NO NO!!! I mean the FULL-ON SNOGGING, PASHING, ALMOST DRY HUMPING kind of kiss! The funniest thing was that this was sighted just minutes after these poor hormone driven beings were freed from school.

I must admit this recent sighting was not the sole influence of my first blog, but the past few episodes on Channel Sevens 'Home And Away,' featured bible bashing 15 yr old Annie having great dilemas regarding PDA's. The screen writers have featured the character Annie comparing her reserved self with her more outgoing best friend Ruby who is often featured openly participating in PDA's with her bf Xavier. Although this storyline may be perceived as cheesy but I believe it reflects an important reality! Maybe we have narrow mindedly grouped all teens as sex-crazed attention-seeking-Paris Hilton-wannabes? But I find it comforting that there may actually be girls out there that dont feel the need to flaunt their interest in or love of their partner through violating the rest of society's eyes.

Honestly though, not to be a traitor to my generation (yes technically a part of my generation lol) I must admit I'm not against PDA's but should there be an ethical sense instilled in kids these days? Ahhh i guess it was okay when Josh Schwartz presented Gossip Girl viewers with the multiple Nate/Jenny Humphrey kisses, she was 14 afterall! Ultimatley, I think this topic is based on personal opinion and not all teens do forcefully create an uncomfortable environement to those surrounding them by harrassing eachother but for those that do,I ask "Where do we draw the line of decency?" And "Should junior high school students parade around town (ALMOST EVERY SECOND STREET CORNER) molesting each others faces?"

Abi xxx

1 comment:

  1. Technically...they're not doing anything illegal. And it may be ethically wrong for you, but they see it as right.

    The ones you see sucking face as though they're vacuums are usually the ones who have no one to do it...they're parents don't know they have a bf/gf, or just didn't approve of them coming over.

    See, Abir, if you were madly in love with...say, Edward Cullen, and your parents didn't let him come over (probably cause they didn't approve of bfs) then wouldn't you use every opportunity you had to make out with him in the street, since you couldn't do it at home? I think you would...
